Cashmere & Plaid

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Well it's been a full month since my last post. Fail. But school has been heckuh hectic and I'm been super freaking busy. But today I set aside 30 minutes to crank out a little update for you! So without further ado...

Best part of the week: I got a practicum position! I'd been stressing super hard for the past few weeks about where I was going to work and yesterday it all fell into place. To say I feel relieved is an understatement. Now all I have to worry about are the 3 presentations, 2 finals, and 2 projects all coming up next week. *nervous laughs*

Worst part of the week: I'm in the final weeks of my program and it is full. on. As you just read, we have a lot going on right now and my brain is moving so quickly that if I don't write down every thought I have, it's gone until I go to bed. Then all the thoughts that I had throughout the day that didn't get written down come stampeding through my mind. It's been a long week and next week is another long one so I'm feeling tired and a bit burnt out.

Something I'm grateful for: I have lots that I'm grateful for right now. My education, my practicum, my mom, my family, my friends, the approaching weekend, my boyfriend, all the things!!!

Something I'm excited for: I am super excited to start my practicum. I'm excited for the change of pace, the absence of homework, the new scenery, new people, and new experiences. It's only for a short period of time but the change is very welcome!

672) Are your ears lobed or attached? Super random question this week.. but the answer is lobed.

I will spending my weekend studying, prepping, and finishing projects and also going to a bridal shower! I hope you all have fabulous weekends and I will be seeing you soon with a fun little project!