Cashmere & Plaid

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TGIF (feat. Vancouver Island summer photo dump)

Hello! Long time no see! Can you believe we're a third of the way through AUGUST?! It feels like this summer has just been flying by! As I mentioned in my last TGIF post we have family here from Scotland. These past few weeks we've all been hanging out and going on adventures and just enjoying each others company and this beautiful weather we've been having. The photos above are from a three day trip we took to the island. I showed them my favourite places in Victoria, we drove up to Nanaimo and stayed for a night in Parksville. It was a great trip and definitely one of the highlights of my summer! 

Last weekend I went to Galiano with a group of friends and we had alllllll the fun! We were camping so there was tons of time spent outside and at the beach and playing games and reading and just having an overall idyllic time on the gorgeous island. 

But now the time has come for me to buckle down and get working again. I've spent the last few days catching up on things and getting new projects in order so that I can continue building my empire. I've got new clients, fun projects, and lots of work to do so the next few weeks will hopefully be spent at my desk working away on all the things. 

Enough rambling from me! Without further ado, here is this weeks TGIF post:

Best part of the week: On Wednesday afternoon Zoe and I went down to the beach for lunch and a brief tanning session. We were probably only there for about an hour but it was so nice just hanging out together, laughing at all the kids playing and chatting to each other, and eating snacks in the sand together. 

Worst part of the week: I've been having stomach issues for basically my entire existence. A couple of weeks ago they were suuuuper bad so I went to a naturopathic doctor to try going a different route. I found out I have leaky gut so she put me on a few different things to help it all get sorted. I'm super grateful to be getting it sorted but HOLY HECK does the stuff she's given me ever taste freaking horrible. I have to take everything twice a day and those are the two worst parts of my day every day. 

Something I'm grateful for: That being said I am so so grateful that I have access to this kind of thing and am able to get this stomach situation under control. 

Something I'm excited for: Am I super lame if I say I'm looking forward to having some routine back in my life? I've loved all the summer fun I've been having but I am so ready to get back to a schedule and have some more structure in my days!

181) Whats the last thing you took a picture of? The last thing I took a picture of was my sister! She bleached her buzzcut the other day and she looked like an adorable surfer babe so we had to snap a few pics!

TTFN my friends (does anyone still use that? I don't think I've written or said that since elementary school...) Next week I'll dump the Galiano photos so you can all see the shenanigans we got up to! Happy weekending!