Cashmere & Plaid

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Long time no see! Apologies for the absence these last two weeks. I've been busy with the move and trying to set up a place to work on blog posts is proving more difficult than I'd hoped...

Best part of the week: This past week (well two, really) have been pretty great. It’s been an adjustment living at home for sure and there are times when I feel very ready to hit the road and head back to Victoria, but for the most part there have been far more good times than bad. I’ve loved getting to see a bunch of my people without feeling rushed, I’ve loved spending time with the family, I had some great sister time with Zoe before she headed off to Europe, I’ve had some really great alone time, I’ve played and walked with the dog, and I’ve just enjoyed having these past two weeks to get settled before school starts on Monday.

Worst part of the week: On Wednesday afternoon I got hit with some nasty food poisoning. I have absolutely no idea what I ate that made me sick but for a brief amount of time I was not a happy camper.

Something I’m grateful for: Being close to family. I’m grateful that all of my immediate family lives close by and we can see each other pretty much whenever we want to. I know lots of people who have family spread out all over the country and all over the world, and while I too have family farther away than I’d like sometimes, for the most part lots of my family is right here.

Something I’m excited for: School! Classes start on Monday and I’m both very excited and slightly nervous. It’ll be a change being back in school with assignments and tests but I’m stoked to get to start working towards a creative career and getting closer to where I’d like to be.

423) Do you have a piggy bank? Sure do. It’s pink with coloured polka dots on it and I painted it when I got my first job at a coffee shop to hold all my tip money.

Happy weekending everybody! I’m trying to figure out where I’ll be able to take photos for the blog because the light in my house isn’t all that great, so bear with me while I sort that out. But also keep your eyes peeled for a DIY coming to the blog sometime next week!