Last year I started doing a little TGIF series where I shared the best part of my week, the worst part of my week, something I was grateful for during the week, something I was looking forward to, and a random fact about me.  I was reading through a few of them the other day and decided I am bringing back the series!

So, without further ado:

Best part of the week:  I’ve been loving spending time with Paige and her family these past few days.  They moved recently and it’s been so much fun helping them with little projects here and there and just hanging out with them! 

Worst part of the week: I got some sort of illness on Tuesday night that carried over into Wednesday. It was a stomach issue and needless to say, it wasn't pretty.

Something I’m grateful for: Framily.  It’s a new word I’ve created.  Friends that are really more like family. 

Something I’m looking forward to: I’m loving the longer days we’re having.  It’s making me really excited for summer nights!

687. What thing that you've made are you most proud of? I’ve made a lot of things that I’m proud of so this is a tough question!  I feel most proud, though, when I make something that required some real effort, lasts, and is functional.  I made my clothing rack out of metal piping and that was pretty cool. I also made a lamp that I'm really in love with.  What's something you've made that you're really proud of?