Holy smokes. What. A. Week. It felt like both a major grind a total whirlwind - wasn’t Monday like 5 minutes ago? I’m wiped. It’s been a week that’s had me spending a lot of time in my head and spending lots of time writing out pro and con lists. It’s been a week of decision making, frustration, and stress, but also a week of goal planning with little feelings of excitement here and there.

Best part of the week: Let’s just start by saying that this little lady needs to get out more. On Monday night I went to the first of 5 classes being hosted by Amanda Burnette at Picot for online business stuff. I hadn’t realized it until I sat down in the small room with 12 other women that I hadn’t been in a room with 12 other people in months. I spend most of my days sitting in an office with two other people and interact with others only in passing as I get coffee, walk to work, and run errands on the weekends. Now, not only was I going to have to interact with other people, but I was going to have to be open and even a little vulnerable with TWELVE other people. Cue fear, panic, intimidation, did I say fear? As we were going around the room introducing ourselves I could feel myself getting hotter and hotter and hotter as I waited for my turn. When it was my turn to introduce myself I quietly mumbled something about where I work, turned 50 shades ofred, and tried my hardest not to run out the door. And this was just in the first 15 minutes of a three hour class! For the rest of the night we talked about things that I’d never even thought about. It had me feeling out of my element, lost, and overwhelmed for 180 minutes.
Now I know what you’re thinking - this was the best part of her week? Yes. And no. At the time, and for hours afterwards, it was not good. But this brief, stressful moment in time triggered a much larger chain of events. It made me realize just how desperately I need to get out more, how much I needed to sit down and really think about where I want to be in the next little while, and inspired me to take a few steps towards creating a life I’m happy in. So yes, the hardest part of my week ended up being the best thing I could have asked for.

Worst part of the week: Although I’m able to look back on it now as being the best part of the week, at the time, Monday night was hard. The negative feelings I had as I left the class that night lingered for days and I felt underwhelmed by the current state of my life and overwhelmed at the idea of making changes or setting goals.

Something I’m grateful for: Supportive family and friends who are helping to make the uncertainty of my life seem a little less like uncertainty and a little more like exciting possibility.

Something I’m excited for: Monday night’s class!

778) Have you already thought about your babies names? Heck yes I have! But you’re going to have to wait to find out what they are. Just don’t hold your breath - they won’t be getting used for quite some time.

Happy weekending everybody! This weekend I challenge you to do one thing you've been putting off. Whether it's making a phone call you don't want to make, running that annoying errand you know is going to take longer than you want it to, or tackling a project you've been meaning to get to, go get 'er done. You'll feel better and sleep better. Trust me.