August Tunes

August Tunes

Can you  say Top 40, much?

Ariana Grande - Problem & Break Free Both of these songs are so much fun.  Especially for driving.  And dancing to.  And singing along to.  Both of these were on constant repeat on my camping trip and even tho I’ve heard them upwards of 30 times each I’m still totally jamming to them.

Sam Smith - Money on My Mind & Latch I’ve loved Latch for a while.  When I was volunteering back in July I would dance around with a 10 month old to it so it makes me really happy to hear it and think about the little dude giggling while we spun around and around.  Money on My Mind is also great.  It’s my dad’s favourite Sam Smith song and it’s hilarious to hear him walking around the house saying “Guess what everybody? I DON’T HAVE MONEY ON MY MIND MONEY ON MY MIND!”