Cashmere & Plaid

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Best part of the week: Monday was my first day at work and I can't even begin to tell you how grown up I felt.  I got organized the night before so the morning was super easy.  I got up, made my bed, got all ready, ended up being 30 minutes early (oh hey Starbucks), spent the morning working in the office, then walked through downtown on my lunch break. After work I did a workout at the pool with a couple of friends, we watched a movie, and when I got home, I flossed! DOES IT GET MORE GROWN UP THAN THAT?!

Worst part of the week: I spent Wednesday night in the emergency room with one of my best friends who was in a lot of pain.  Not only was it super sucky to see her so uncomfortable, but there were so many other people there too who were suffering in some way.  But it was nice to see the little relationships that form in that place.  A number of the people in there were really kind and it was nice to watch complete strangers help each other out. PS: my friend got some meds and is much better :)

Something I’m grateful for: MY JOB! I cannot believe how lucky I am.  I have been thanking the universe so much this week - I’ve already learned a lot and am just so so grateful for the opportunity!  

Something I’m excited for: I’m heading home for the weekend and I’m looking forward to seeing the fam, some friends, and doing laundry! The price of laundry in my building recently went up 25 cents making a single load cost a whopping $3.50 - ain’t nobody got funds for that!

299) Have you ever raised money for charity? when I was in grade 5 I initiated a penny drive at my elementary school.  One night I saw on the news a refugee camp full of women and children who were not doing very well.  In an attempt to help make a difference I collected pennies from the people at my school, rolled them all, and sent them to UNICEF.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and gets an opportunity to do some mega relaxing!