Cashmere & Plaid

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Best part of the week: we got snooooow! There is nothing quite as exciting as waking up on the West Coast to snow! It doesn’t usually last long but boy oh boy is it ever exciting while it lasts!

Worst part of the week: We also got iccccce. There were a number of very close calls on my walk to work on Tuesday morning.

Something I’m grateful for: All the things that make me warm. At this time of year, both because of the holidays and now because of the cold weather we’re having, it’s hard to imagine not having a home and not having the basic things that I take for granted everyday. I hate being cold so I am taking a few moments to really appreciate just how lucky I am to not only have things to keep me warm when it’s cold out but also for the home that I have that welcomes me home each day with warmth and coziness.

Something I’m excited for: Christmas shopping..? I can’t decide if I’m excited or stressed but I’m going to go with excited. I am not on top of things this year and have only bought one present. So this weekend I will be shopping local and finishing the rest of my Christmas shopping.

757) Are you much of an adventurer? I like to go on little adventures with my friends to new places and to see new things but I wouldn’t exactly say I’m an adventurous person. I like familiarity and safety and warmth.

Happy weekending everybody! I hope you enjoy whatever weather you may be experiencing and that you manage to stay warm and dry ;)