Cashmere & Plaid

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TGI... the end of 2016

Well friends, we made it. 2016 has come and gone and we are lucky enough to have survived. Here’s a slightly modified version of the weekly TGIF post looking back at the year.

Best part of the year: I would say that I had three highlights this year: 1. Graduating university was a big one. It felt like a really great accomplishment and graduating from UVic had been a dream of mine sine I was 11. 2. Cutting my hair was a major highlight. It feels a little silly to say that because it’s only hair, but to me it was a big deal and I am so glad I did it. It made the end of university feel a lot more final and it gave me a feeling of liberation and possibility. 3. This blog has been a super fantastic part of 2016 for me. It introduced me to so many great people, gave me the opportunity to go on fun adventures and try new things, and provided me with a creative outlet that I’ve learned I definitely need in my life.

Worst part of the year: Graduating without my Gram sucked. My Gram has advanced Alzheimer’s disease, and although she’s still with us she isn’t really here. The two of us were quite close and I miss her lots but it was really hard to graduate and not be able to share it with her. She had always been so supportive of my education and was so excited for me to go to UVic. I really wish she could have seen me graduate.

Something I’m grateful for in 2016: I don’t even know where to start with this one. I feel like I have so so much to grateful for this year. I had a great year in terms of my mental health so I’m super grateful for that. I’m living and working in Victoria, a city that I really truly love, so I’m grateful for that. I’m grateful that my family has been so supportive of me throughout the year, helping me both emotionally and financially, as well as just being a great group of people that makes me feel good when I’m around them. I’m thankful that I live in a country where I feel safe and respected. And I’m grateful to a number of new people who came into my life this year and helped make it all that it was.

Something I’m excited for in 2017: I’m just excited to see where the year takes me. I don’t really have any expectations going in because as of right now I have absolutely no idea what I’m going to be doing! I have so many (maybe even too many?) options and I’m just looking forward to seeing how the year unfolds.

181) Whats the last thing you took a picture of? Last night I sent a photo of a Harry Potter puzzle that I’m currently in the middle of working on. But before that, the photos you see above [of a little adventure that Zoe and I went on on Boxing Day] were the last photos I took on my actual camera.

I just want to say how grateful I am to YOU for reading and commenting and sharing and liking the things I share on here. Your support means so much to me and I can’t wait to keep going in the New Year.

Have a safe and fun New Year’s Eve and I’ll see you all in the new year!